EECP Treatment Benefits: Now Choose a Much Safer Heart Treatment

Heart care without Surgery, or SAARAL, has made a name for itself as one of the top facilities for non-invasive care. We have been using the EECP therapy, which was approved by the US FDA, to treat heart patients. Throughout our more than 26-year journey, we have witnessed the suffering that persons with heart conditions experience when they first seek medical attention. Many of our patients seemed to give up hope when they continued to experience problems even after angioplasty. Bypass surgery or angioplasty, which serve to widen the constrictive blood arteries and promote blood flow and circulation, are the recommended treatments for angina patients with heart blockages.
However, some people might not be eligible for an angioplasty, such as those with the following conditions:
- Fatty plaque-filled arterial blockages that extend the entire length of the artery
- Those who have kidney issues.
In certain circumstances, angioplasty fails. The likelihood of recurrence is fairly significant, even if it is tried. For people who have received numerous treatments, the risk of recurrence is increasing. EECP, or Enhanced External Counter Pulsation, is suggested as an alternative for such people.
In these circumstances, EECP treatment has demonstrated to be effective as it has significantly reduced the frequency of angina in a patient (episodes of chest pain, shortness of breath, etc.). But let's first grasp the fundamentals of each procedure to better appreciate why EECP is superior to angioplasty or bypass surgery.
What is a bypass operation?
Through coronary bypass surgery, blood is rerouted around a blocked or partially blocked section of a coronary artery. A healthy blood vessel is taken from your leg, arm, or chest during therapy and linked below and above the blocked arteries in your heart. Using a novel pathway, blood flow to the heart muscle is enhanced. The coronary bypass procedure does not treat the underlying heart disease that caused the blockages. However, lessen symptoms like chest pain and breathing difficulties.
Angioplasty definition
A lengthy, thin tube is used to access the blocked coronary artery during angioplasty (catheter). The end of this tube, which has a tiny balloon on it, is placed into a blood vessel. Once the catheter is in place, the balloon is inflated at the narrowed area of the heart artery.
The procedures could come with risks and health complications that could threaten one's health or possibly lead to other problems. It is not a "localised" approach like surgery because EECP treatment treats the health of the entire heart, including the circulation system.
As a result, there are additional, all-encompassing benefits like:
- Because the procedure is outpatient, hospitalisation is not necessary.
- Because the procedure is non-invasive, there is no risk of bleeding, infection, or blood clots.
- Because there is zero discomfort during this procedure, anaesthetic is not used.
- It has no effect on any other organs or parts of the body.
- There was no disruption to the patients' daily routine.
Heart therapies require preparation, which is widely acknowledged (doctors and patients). However, EECP therapy has the same ease of producing identical results. There is no need to worry or panic because everything is absolutely safe.
At SAARAL - Heart Care Without Surgery, the pinnacle of non-invasive treatment, heart blockages are treated with EECP treatment coupled with yoga, meditation, and stress management training. The mixture is made so that patients can easily incorporate it into their regular lives. Guaranteed practicality and training for family members are both provided.
The SAARAL Heart Program is the most modern, reliable from a scientific standpoint, non-invasive, durable, and safe way to treat coronary blockages, the most common form of heart disease. This programme aims to help cardiac patients who either don't want surgery or aren't physically able to undergo it. If the proper care is not given, heart problems might become fatal; therefore, it is crucial to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of any proposed treatment before making a decision.
what is eecp therapy
Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) therapy is chest pain therapy approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It treats long-term chest pain or pressure (chronic stable angina) that doesnt respond to other treatments. EECP therapy may also be recommended for some people who need a procedure to restore blood flow to their heart and aren’t eligible for surgery.
what is eecp treatment for heart
In addition to diet and lifestyle modifications, many patients are often referred by their doctor to a novel non-invasive therapy called Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP). EECP (also known as Flow Therapy) better circulates the flow of blood in your own body to naturally grow blood vessels in your heart and ultimately decrease chest pain. Think of it as exercising your heart by lying on a bed (and watching TV) while blood pressure like cuffs give your heart a workout and improve flow. Overall, 85% of the patients reduce their chest pain severity (CCS angina class) by at least one. All of this, without any surgery or invasive procedures.